2021 – LL II teacher’s report/review


2021 dawns
Here are the highlights – the downloads and the patient reports.
Also my musings
Matters arising?
Students please contribute.

Agreements – (Click to listen/see what I wrote up – important for all of life) boundary setting

In future there will be qualifiers – all will HAVE to have done all online qualifiers prior to arrival.

Maybe watch this now??

What next – (click) After the moves – now what to do with them?

A good place to reconnect with what there is: revision from the lead up to Reconnecting review

Always – going deeper

       The class – all NZ residents

Belinda – Kapiti Coast (out of Wellington) acupuncturist – trained in NZ
Evelyn – Christchurch area – acupuncturist+ – trained in Germany
Caryl – Rangiora area – Massage therapist++, NLP, Havening (and others)
Hilary – Rangiora – NLP and personal change agent


Random Heather shots


‘Our’ lives no longer ‘ours’.

In order to get all the work collated and on sale – this was the last LL training for some time. None more planned.
2021 awaits . ..

Sovereignty versus slavery .  . and into service.
What I plan to do in class is tempered by the speed the class wishes to move at.
Socialising is what is needed as glue.
Gets in the way of the work.

Yet the work can not happen till we have our human needs met.


Our intentions maybe stymied by . .
Saboteurs . .
We ALL need to change/step up as when will we be together again?

What I learned . . .
Preparation for life that is changing means – clear own clutter
Be ready for any eventuality
Go with the flow.

With patients I chose to use Mercier moves and protocol.
After setting the person up as much as possible.
We could not see Del x2 but the other two we did – and this was essential for you to see that intensives will get you into what maters.
Results – and how to access change is through perserverence.
Shannon (click)  – I wanted him to be as near as fixed as we could be – I will see if he is happy to come for ongoing till he is regenerated as he needs more than pain relief – body needs to rebuild.
His case here.
Georgia (click) is likely will see Hilary and that may in the future mean needling the scar.

C sections work to look through

Entire story – of a single session with me – Doreen
I did an entire training in San Diego for birth advocating acupuncturists – found here

Stuck Belly Blood

(We will eventually get into this for C sections) Many more pages here.
Jennifer Mercier does not – and has this as her thing –
In addition to 6 sessions no more than a week apart:

  • Serrapetaste orally for 3 months
  • Castor oil packs and
  • Castor oil inside, on sacrum and onto the scar overnight)2 weeks straight) and
  • gall bladder cleanse (optional though great for clearing out the emotional resentment ans slush, regardless of the existence of an actual stone or not
  • comfrey ointment an
  • self adhesion breaking . .
  • all the belly, steaming and sacral work.

GV 1 – seems to be missing in acupuncture training – along with practical sorting out what is blocking flows to healing. I spoke with Elke (an acup for over 20 years – started with body work – and who was to told as a student that other points could be used instead. Not so. When teaching at eLotus – I was astonished that the wife of the owner of the business though surrounded by acupuncturists and having a daughter who was also  – still had her very-painful-when-arising-after-seating-down-for-any-length-of-time situation.

What I did – the usual cold and moxa then undoing a scar, and GV1 – and sitting up acup protocol – all fixed – she was very surprised.

I expected this as it was 10 years after breaking mine before it was fixed – only GV 1 placed in that session.
I broke my coccyx again – at 50 years of age. I found someone (osteopath) to teach to pop it in – and thigh freshly broken, it was less sore and no residue (past the actual not set properly). Not until doing the Arvigo training did I get an understanding of why this would be so. In early 2019 when the LL II class was at Gloriavale – in the intensive practical we worked on so many women – often very pregnant – with this – and one was rapt as she went into labour and had her 6th with as much ease as the first and second – as 3 weeks prior to birthing her third, she broke her coccyx and birthed naturally through this then the next 2 were also excruciating. (prayer alone was not helping).

See more on GV 1 here

There is more to do to get the manuals up and you all ready to start your own programmes.

We do NOT need to wait for perfect – and when you feel up to this.
We know how easy it is to turn teh lives around – open the pelvis.
Reconnect Bao and Dai Mai – the Gentling Way – this is OUR theme song.

Open the pelvis

Ligaments – Liver and how she feels – plus hydration and magnesium  – warm and safe.
Liberate – eBook here. liberate your butt

Similar to Easy Birth Preparation
I did this in Melbourne and in Cairns – all you need is the info (WDCD contains this and this page – and the people to tell.
Maja is easily the best one to ask as she does this to all couples – to ensure easy bonded birthing and families as does Deborah.
Sita also . .