1st LL I Revision

Welcome. . .


Basic tenets of this work

Nutrition and circulation

  • 1 – Structure Determines Function
  • 2 – Energy Follows Thought
  • 3 – Body remembers everything that has ever happened to it
  • 4 – Flows have to flow
  • 5 – Body heals itself (when we let it).

Revision –  anterior correction for the Ovarian Suspensory Ligament

We are primarily realigning to perfection – FIXING

Asked about what to do when the person is not in their body . .
Besides my usual sound bits ..
If instant/acute – you may get them back by firmly massaging Sp 3 on the foot medial edge (of the bunion toe)  where your finger falls in after running it down the inside of the foot – or by grinding fingernail into GV 26 – do look them up  . .

Then is this a new being? (top circle)

Walking in?
Maybe this would help?

Maybe to calm them – and do a different job than the PV and PACE and Accident Recall?


Spiritual bathing/lustre bowls, spritzes and maybe getting seri0us with enetity shifting . .




Here we have result of a fall- older woman who did break her wrist – and also – that sacral bump!!


Always best when we have the person in front of us.
You can see how we merge this into a session that is personalised.

Please watch these sessions – where I am actually doing the corrections.

Adenomyosis – after C section

Heat – sugar . .
And of course self medication and comfort
Over toxicity and estrogenation


Bladder prolapse in pregnancy – after a fall


What is ahead?

Weekly revision – next will be the posterior correction and any questions you have.
We will then look to adenomyosis in detail..
Homework – please look again at the Revision weekend – for the ligaments as this will start to make more sense to you.

Friday  Reconnecting Bao and Dai – the HH and IC corrections especially then the afternoon with Kaliana is there.

Saturday – The initial sessions (beginning & after lunch) are me talking and then we go into the new moves.

Sunday – Repeat – leading into O.S.L. actual after revising what you learnt the day before.

I will do a group update sheet late in the week.

Sunday – Rangiora to do the repeat for bladder repair/check her back is still OK – not as sick – but still vomiting (loves the miso and ginger tea). No sciatica – prolapse a bit yesterday: none today.  (She MUST do nightly moxa sacral fan).

Monday same time and Zoom (I am having issues with the update version – will keep you posted.

Bodies are meant to heal .

Let us help this – especially when in a pivotal time – pregnancy being mum being regrown at the same time.