IVF pregnancies are more likely to suffer complications around clotting, leading to more miscarriages,
and potenticially more high risk maternal health problems/endings.
ART being needed may have been as the nutritional loading was incomplete allowing more early pregnancy losses due to lack of appropriate maternal resources.
This still is not corrected, leaving the potential for more things to go wrong, as they were never corrected prior to pregnancy.
Encourage optimal by:
Find a natural health care professional, and work with them well before & throughout your pregnancy and beyond.
Taking large doses of Vit D as it is the beginning of good blood flow,
Using no chemicals
Eat more fat & protein
Drink much more water & take more outside exercise and high quality rest
Take more vitamin C, B & magnesium used prolifically over the skin daily
Additional references: Optimal Pregnancy, Well Parents & Strong Seeds, Ingredients &Birthing Environment