
Digestion – needs not just ingredients:

Your food factory has to be able to process and assimilate

Unasked question  – Can my body see nutrients to use them?

1 – Mechanisms . .

How did whatever happened happen . . You need a natural health problem solver. 
Whilst we ‘need’ folic acid to make a baby  . . Folic acid comes from? Whole foods . . Foliage . . eggs

MTHFR and pyroluria

Epigenetics . . Rubbish sitting on top of – heavy metals and pesticides . .Our Stolen Future (CLICK)  Fetal mining . . Body burden (CLICK) – baby cleans mum out – whilst being made . Life (and eating food) and on other side – retail opportunities Need gut to work better and make better choices . . Mammals versus robots. . (Survival orientated and self motivated over compliant). Pyroluria (CLICK)

We can only make baby the once! Foundation is so important: mum’s nutrient availability and circulation.

(Nutrients in and wastes out)

My – and your concern could be – the growing bub. Not to be the “runt of the litter”:

  • As a fetus – maybe not making it . .
  • As a baby – not thriving
  • As a teenager – unfolding into all sots of catastrophes – insufficient good ingredients to grow perfectly into maturity
  • As an adult – bald/wasted /greying earlier/smaller and sicker (Jing not there).

Ask – “What happened to mum in the pregnancy or through out her own life?”

For any clotting/miscarriage/placental issues – please look to

Hughe’s syndrome (CLICK) and other auto – immune and clotting factors ..

Supplements 4 – bio availability

Food in and your body can see it . . (Gut has to be ’OK’ – CLICK)

Food . . .

We need the best possible – and the ability to digest it. Please download this. . food folder (CLICK)

We have choices . . We do not need the mercury (CLICK) – it keeps on giving. Dental work (CLICK) is very dangerous .  Aluminium (CLICK) stops the mercury (CLICK) leaving – we need the Glutathione being made to get the toxins out. Why is the aluminium there (CLICK)? Why is this important? (CLICK) Where did we get this (CLICK)?  We need to take out (CLICK) what is not supposed to be there .

If we do not . . . 

MTHFR (CLICK) – vaccination should not happen . .

Stop the contaminants . .
And clean up the fat cells – specially as you want your breasts to be totally as nature intended .

Vit K (CLICK) – and what is in this . . WHY ‘needed’ (CLICK)?   Hughes syndrome (CLICK) look at also

Adjuvants are by their inclusion there to really upset your body. Usually neurotoxic . .

There are so many parents .. We just want YOU not to go through what we did – being ‘good’ cost my daughter her life – although she is still here – she is so damaged. . The parents who wish someone had said – it is not so easy being ‘compliant’ as no one picks up the pieces – just the parents (or mums) so . . please – realise that information is your friend – not what you are told to think . .(Who would have ever thought that I would have to say this – as though we are living in a bad novel – like 1984 (CLICK)

(Not being allowed to say, think or do . .) Love is not enough. research – and be safe!! Babies are too precious

Please don’t have that C section electively – perhaps birth as Nature intended?
We do not want  – to kill off gut microbiome (CLICK) .

How to birth well?

You will need ready access to the ingredients – nutrients – and a structure that is working well – circulation via an open pelvis – again – look to all the work done in the ‘What Dads Can Do’ manual and the free information online about moxa sacral fan and then sacral massage. See here (CLICK).

Action to take?

Wanting a perfect outcome this time? See someone with answers – support life and follow nature.

High risk pregnancy?
Or maybe your not wanting yet another pregnancy mishap. Email me to stay connected . . .


Declutter, Reset, Restore