Does the HPV Vaccination Prevent Cervical Cancer?

  • The U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and Merck (the company who produces Gardasil) all claim the HPV vaccination is safe for children as young as nine.
  • No independent studies have been done to determine if the vaccine itself causes cancer or what the long-term effects might be on those vaccinated. As of March 2012, the Vaccine Adverse Reporting System (VAERS) stated there were 25,548 adverse events and over 100 deaths reported as a direct result of the HPV vaccine.
  • Cervical cancer is relatively rare. Most women with HPV will not develop it. There are approximately 4,000 deaths per year from cervical cancer compared with 71,000 women who die of lung cancer and 41,000 who die of breast cancer annually.
  • Millions of children are being injected with an HPV vaccine associated with major side effects to possibly prevent 4,000 deaths annually 30 years from now. There is no concrete evidence that it can or will save lives.
  • The cervical cancer vaccine actually raises the risk of cervical cancer for anyone exposed to HPV before they were vaccinated.
  • As the testing period for the vaccine was too short to evaluate any long-term benefits, manufactures of HPV vaccines have failed to present significant data that their product can prevent cervical cancer.
  • Well-meaning parents have been misled into having their daughters vaccinated with an untested and uncertain drug, while the pharmaceutical company raked in billions of dollars in profit.

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