Accident recall

Welcome to where it gets interesting

Did you know that often what is holding us back is something that happened SOO long ago we may have forgotten all about it? The Sheldon Accident Recall is a brilliant undoing way to allow a body to move forwards – not staying stuck to past trauma.

There is an offshoot in NZ that not only works with horses and other animals – but also people.

Here I am showing how I use this in clinic  to unlock what has been stuck for often too long. The body is constantly expressing what is going on inside it. We could heed the ignore warnings. Here we see a major way to undo the blockages to healing that may have been there since before the person has memories – though often someone will say ‘I have not been the same since . . .”

Usually an accident/fall. I have noticed though that now I am working in energy fields – we are also often ‘blowing the circuits’ . This is a gentle and immediate way to undo this.

It tends to work on everyone.Their flexibility is just the beginning.
Most arise from the treatment table from this ‘more together’.

Accident recall – see here first

Start here.  . .

P.A.C.E. and undoing fear

The actual footage that started me on this is here.

Here is where it likely started.


Head moves

Me at work in Albi France with three students . .
The idea is to always unlock the ankles .Although now I do the correction whether they are/blowing/ the circuit or not.

Yang and Yin Qiao vessels. Flow to and from the head and influence not only the circulation of fluids and Qi there and to the eyes, but as the spine is carrying al the messages in the nerve pathways – and as the freezing of the
I figure all will have had a blow at some point to their balance/structure and it takes very little time to correct it anyway.

I am only doing 3 at a time . .
1 – Ankles .
Then if this is on a  woman.

2 – Mammograms are the next step.
3 – Root canals . . Even if they are removed.

Then we go onto what you feel – a significant trauma – could be an operation – and now I always correct the heart/uterus/prostate connection. Bao Mai reestablished to Dai Mai .
3 to be cleared in one session – AND make sure all have drunk enough water.

Sometimes you cannot test a person as they block it – then you need a surrogate – hence there are two in the clip of me working – is also easier as some are not so flexible as to hold their ankles whilst you are working on them.

Here is me with Mashenka, answering in my round about way – Why the ankles? Talking around it to star with

  • Start  – Soul intention? The chasm – what set it up?? HB – in central Bne city  as a holistic problem solver . .
  • 4.25 – The agenda of my initial acupuncture lecturers. Body and energy work.
  • 6.00 – Metamorphic Technique
  • 7.00  – Reichian work . . (Gentle Bio Energetics) CLICK and shamanic dearmoring
  • 9 The Body Remembers Everything That Has Ever Happened To It.
  • 11The Joy of Feeling (CLICK) Iona Marshaa Teegardon (CLICK)
  • Jin Shin Do acupressure is the author’s unique synthesis of a Japanese acupressure technique, traditional Chinese acupuncture theory, Taoist philosophy and breathing methods, and Western psychological tools.
  • 13.45 – Open the pelvis (CLICK) . . and Ina May Gaskin’s work
  • 15 – Mirror X – left leg and right arm – YANG – and opposite – right leg, left arm = YIN . .for needling.
  • 17.30 – Life – is stuck in the body messing up with the circulation.
  • 18.30 – Scars from being burned almost alive .. where are the acupoints?
  • 19.30 – Radiated left lower quadrant – body roasted. – Where are the circuits to work with?
  • 20 – What people’s abdomens used to look like. .
  • 22 – Draw the Liver meridian . .
  • 24 – The ‘NOT ALLOWED’ dictates and how some of us can/can’t function . .
  • 26 – Sovereignty or slavery – why are YOU here?
  • 27 DeclutterReset (to what blueprint?) and then Restore life – here to do what??
  • 29 – A scar is like a gate – my finger wart scar as an example.
  • 31 – NOT Reiki on face first as sequencing is necessary – in a state to be healed? Stitching first  .
  • 32 – GOT to be clear first. . need to do Selfing FIRST (us need clearing).
  • 33 – Elaine’s mum (Keith’s intended mother-in-law). And what happened with the stents in her head (4) and needing to do something MORE than the needles – polarity from Your Healing Hands – Richard Gordon – and the channeling through me of the ‘perverse Qi’ from her brain to the small intestine.
  • 36 – Need to undo what is online for them. Advanced Spiritual Healing in Belize . . . good books from there.
  • 43 – Origin of the Acc Recall work – is only physical – we work mainly with the emotional residues.
  • 44 P.V. easy little move – fight, fright or freeze . . duck example – playing dead – the BODY overrides.
  • 48 – Karen Ann Quilin – switch off respirator – 10 years of being alive in body only- and NOT dead as her body COULD – all it could – intensity, duration, frequency – was trained to breathe (only).

Answering the question . . .


How come the ankles work? 8 Extra meridian Yang Qiao Mai and Du Mai – the two that ‘rule’ the spinal cord/nervous system – need clearing – the base of the spine and all ‘wind points’.

Talking around the subject as usual – as the wealth of the depth of life understanding allows us to discern what to do and when and how. .

  • Start how to teaching anything new.
    I always teach to answer a question – on order to do acupuncture  – how to stop my newborn to end up as chronically ill as his dad. I learned acup as classical and what works.
  • 2.30 – Light, lineage . . .7 ‘L’s’ – (CLICK)
  • 3.00 – only here by virtue of the Food Factory working well. eBooks to assist here – Helping Yourself to Health and Vitality and Life Support (also Cold Damages Your Health)
  • 4 Option Process (CLICK) and getting Raun out of autism – SonRise book.
  • 5.30 – Around the world – seeing alos Norman Stevens (Rainbow Bridge author.
  • 6.20 – WHY THE ANKLES – Yin and Yang Qiao channels start or end on the ankles.
  • 8 – Draw the Liver meridian – and this is only the vague pathway of the influence of the Liver Qi works.  .
  • 9.40 – Why everyone gets Liv 2 inserted when I am treating them – to clear the clutter (we are all pissed off).
  • 12.15 – Fawn – fight, fright, freeze – and fawning . .4 F’s. . (Behaviour patterns we are dealing with  . .)

Back to what happens when . . .very often you will need to have all your tools out as this dislodges what was STUCK and tears/emotions may be flowing

If you are working on a man who ha been circumcised.
This is a deeply embedded total life trauma that they have only just been alerted to. Must clear all the emotions that you can think of  do P.A.C.E. – see here first and then the polyvagal clearance.

Very different if as a non anesthetized baby (huge issues understandably – irretrievably alerted from the person they were to be) or a man who is ‘out’ on GA.  I did someone yesterday who as an 18 year old was clipped – and no reaction at all there. However the forceps – over ears – was the biggest blow-out we had. (Then it was the crushed index finger (he had forgotten about) at 5 years old.

Reminder.  .
Circumcision is usually a horrendous incursion (without anesthesia on a very new baby).