‘Hard’ pregnancy cases are FIXABLE

Welcome to this life conundrum

For me – as a very senior pregnancy acupuncture and holistic care health provider.
For you – as you try to make sense and do the best you can in pregnancy work.

For the woman and her partner – as they try to negotiate through the mire of  ‘must do’ s’ that now are called ‘best practice’

 (All the while now based on evidence’ – not life)

Why not go back to what is – natural?
All mammals conceive, gestate and birth without interventions . .
Why are we so different?
What happened?

Especially when things get ‘trying’/too hard –  and all are wringing their hands. Doing more tests.

In watching these – you can speed the sound up – the top left hand corner – I usually listen at 1.70 at least . .

I did this page up for acupuncturists. You may want to understand NORMAL – and then go to hard case pregnancies. This has always been – my personal passion – as I started classes in acupuncture with a 6 week old bub in arms -to help him – and here we are – 45 years later. .  my special interest . . sustainable humanity

Introduction to this work

Moving Blockages to Healing (Jan 2018)

  • Outdated offer mentioned – non active – was what I was to do in 2018 . .  $7 – entry into hard cases resolution
  • A huge section on scars is to come . .. my life’s work – likely you in a master class – mentored.
  • Holistic – multi modality – all in this offer – hands-on and  . . where is the offer ($7)? Not happening – you get free . . .here

My legacy of having worked with pregnancy and ‘hopeless’ cases for all of my working life.

Why start with pregnancy?

We were all made. Dr John Shen said – stages of life impacts

Mother matter. A lot. As with a house – the foundations are the key.  Jing Optimisation . . . we can only make that person ONCE. The ‘Role of Women’s Lives and Maternity’  is all part of the intensive mentoring package that is to be offered soon. We begin with building the foundation of another person. Human Sustainability . .

Pregnancy – the baby is my ‘patient’.

The as-yet-unconceived-person has employed me to get their maybe parents-to-be to start laying a good foundation down. Jing (CLICK)


Ingredients and flows . . As an acupuncturist.
This can be so easy – when you change focus – JING – talk our language – totally different when we are in energy . .

See the person being made as your patient –
Not the one who is there wanting a quick fix!

This means also you

(Maybe asking – how much do I have to do/ read through?)

YES – Master speaks . .. I have made more mistakes than you have had goes at this likely . . I took me 40+ years to get to here. Cutting edge – always. Not following that ‘research’ game of checking what others have said or done – but actively helping when all else to date has failed.

This case is from someone who reached out to me as I am sometimes (when I get exasperated enough) am on FB ..
And here is the underlying background to what to do – that bottom line all think to ask . .

‘But what points?”  In this case maybe none.

Who is the expert? (Nature)
My work was brought to you through a maternal lens – mine – unwanted and continually revisited it over 18 years – then immersed in babies when there was no IVF and no pregnancy texts – they all came after mine – and thus – as a doula before anyone did this – (1970-80’s mainly), as a free thinker (can’t not be) and as a natural health detective – I give you . . answers.              Warning – I may upset your world view . .

A bit about me and why I am so different 

I was taught classical acupuncture by someone who cared about our life after graduating. Who was interested in making us useful. He was also a fertility/uterine positioning chiropractor in 1977  – before TCM happened. When life was so naively simple.  I always hands-on – hence we have Heather’s Foundational Moves – all the gems of being a hands-on healing agent – Lymph flows so the Qi can . .

Here is a case put to me a few years ago – she saw me on the Acup on FB forum. And needed help

“7 months pregnant suffers from heavy metal poisoning, Crohn’s, extreme inflammation and nerve pain.This nerve pain is extreme and she is on a low dose of opioids. The location is right above her pubic symphysis. I’m not putting needles in the lower abdomen – right?”

We need to actually be helpful – get the body back to as designed.


  • 7 months pregnant  – best time to start changing – as the body remakes itself in pregnancy.
  • heavy metal poisoning – will get in the way of all nutrient pathways – MUST be removed – and in pregnancy – is safe  using the drops I mention. Can’t go forwards and myriad individual body break downs due to this.
  • Crohn’s – extension of above – what created this? Stuck Liver Qi and lack of magnesium – bioavailability – likely topical magnesium will hurt her – mercury needs removing urgently for all food to actually be nourishing.
  • extreme inflammation – same – and heat – lack of appropriate hydration/stop all ingestibles with a sweet taste.
  •  nerve pain – also lack of Vit D3 – and taking 50,000iu a day for at least a month would make such a difference – pain anywhere – need both magnesium (not oral – topical faster) and Vit D 3 as a starting point.
  • Low dose of opioids – instead of answering the body shrieking for help – we medicate/shut warnings down.
  • Right above her pubic symphysis – lymph, ligaments not being nourished and we wonder what else has happened in this woman’s life – sacral and life residue – to allow the Liver Qi to get stuck so magnificently?
  • “I’m not putting needles in the lower abdomen – right?” – My answer – not with the training you have had – (may not even NEED needles – but heartful hands.  AND I always work on the back for the front – possibly as simple as teaching her and partner – all that is in the ‘What Dads Can Do’ manual, charts and videos (CLICK) . .sacral moxa fan – likely. Then work from Heather’s Foundational Moves

Move the Qi – see my upcoming course on this soon – We undo STUCK (thus pain)

Heather’s Signature system . .

  • Lymph.
  • Stuck Liver Qi
  • Cup out the cold
  • Moxa usage
  • Sacral work

Leading into Reconnecting Bao and Dai Mai: Heart and wombspace – the emotions the gut (Three Heater) and the womb poistioning  what stops it from sliding and gliding as s-designed)

  • Light – we work in/with
  • Connective tissue – we live in a mammalian wrapper
  • Fluids – our inner sea/waste disposal unit
  • Adhesions – all stuck up
  • Scars – on all level
  • To allow the Qi that moves us to flow – and all align with life.


What I have gleaned through being a teacher as well as a mother (babies born 1977- 94) and a holistic and global thinker – and always searching for more – and never think you know it all – from me – as I am constantly transforming this body of work – to fit the NOW we are in . .

About my work: It is grounded in life

I was writing acupuncture courses and designing most post graduate ones (always centred around the hierarchy of meridians and being present – in the early 80’s – and the of the 8 Extras was always paramount. My being influenced heavily by exposure to two great masters – Dr van Buren, Dr Shen’s and by my own maternal adventures.

As I had been as a student – I trained students to think – not to use the recipes in books – (we had none at the time I was writing and designing acupuncture courses – 1980/81!)

Hands – we can instantly change what is happening just by attending to the lymph flow! Qi goes where it needs to then! To easy – use your hands with the needles in – MOVE that Qi – and lymph!!

  • Too simple! Works every time – and fixes residual neck problems!
  • Sign up for the Foundational Moves and learn how to instantly add so much to all you do –
  • My Signature System of gems from practice – secrets in action!
  • Try this yourself. .   do range of movement of neck – and a perineal pullup – before and after to feel it.





As well as the needles  . .  . undo how they got to where their body is in strife (and when pregnant – no one is listening to the body crying out for help – instead – medicating the messages . .


Jabbing with extras? Heavy metal poisoning – then fetal mining .


Nutrients need also to be bio available. Whilst I originally trained as a naturopath concurrently with acupuncture – this is common sense – all mothers knew – rainbow on the plate – and what to eat when . . ‘old wives’ tales’

Gut can’t work with all that COLD, RAW and SWEET in it –  stored up from however long ago . . Can’t cook a baby in a fridge – need an oven.

Pulling out the cold  . Reset Your Metabolism . .
Part of the Foundational Moves course above – the beginning of your new results led clinical practice – and the answer to a ‘hard’ pregnancy case problem one acupuncturist who reached out to me has – (and really all of you who pose online).
Life does not have a medical answer.
Body is to repair itself.
Can’t when it is blind to the ingredients (CLICK)
Short answer to the ‘Heavy Metal Poisoning’?


“7 months pregnant suffers from heavy metal poisoning, Crohn’s, extreme inflammation and nerve pain.This nerve pain is extreme and she is on a low dose of opioids. The location is right above her pubic symphysis”.

(How is she even pregnant?)

Let us unpack this case presented –

Heavy Metal Poisoning
Krohn’s disease, extreme inflammation,
Massive nerve pain
Now on low dose opioids
Major area vicinity – of the pubic symphysis.

Who is thinking of being the baby’s life advocate?

There is no place for pain in a pregnancy – to have pain the flows are not flowing and the ingredients (good Blood energy) are not flowing and possibly are not even there.

Remember Liver Qi ? Has to flow – more accessible magnesium is indicated and all that vaccination will do is block off the ingredients crucial to life and give us what she has above. Not a needles are not necessarily indicated at all – or at least yet – need the building blocks of life on site first. This is not a medical answer – but a life one – quickly – rescue bub!!!  VACCINATION?  Or trust the body? The first THREE years of pregnancy – how it is designed to be (CLICK)

Must take out the heavy metals as the ingredients for life are being ignored as the body can’t see them.
Hence all the issues we are now seeing – and did  not so much (or even think of then) 30/40 years ago . .

Why? – Contamination now internally


Where from? (CLICK) Let us just look to that third most dangerous element

Mercury (CLICK) and how it got into us to mess with micro and macro cellular nutrition.


As it should be





Introduction to my different way of looking at life

What is this about – Mammalian and karmic.  .

Forget that ‘middle circle’ – the one with rules and fads that come and go.

What will be will be/What can be will be
What we believe is irrelevant and just gets in the way. .

How did my first born live? As close to life template as I could – no jabs (til 5 1/2 years old) and as simple a diet as possible.

Head hair – flower of the kidneys – his is thick and lustrous – whereas his dad was bald at 28 and mine started balding at 15 – this is how to do it – feed them well . .(epigenetic). Ingredients to run a body (CLICK) – not just breasts . . .all of life – all ages sex, and stages. There is also . . mammalian rearing  or BIG problems (CLICK).  (Dr Gabor Mate – Hold onto your kids).

Taking you through – What to do?


1 – Water – the first step

The answer – dehydration is easily undone. .

2103water copy


Heavy metals are stored in our fat cells – brain and heart also . . (This gets in the way of nutrient pathways ..). This is not mentioned much.  Yet it is now a massive problem – compounded through the enforced vaccination and entry of many other contaminants. The red is not want is designed to be in our bodies.


          As it is in the modern world                                                                 

Mercury (CLICK) is a problem that stays in the tissues till we let it out in pregnancy and when making breast milk (CLICK) – so – baby cops it . .

2 – Pain – why is it there?

Flows not flowing . .. Cold – ice is being added in . . (Stops flows/circulation)
Need to cup the navel. . (As part of the Move Your Qi – coming soon) – DON’T moxa – this is not going to help . . Or do even bother with your ‘dose’ of 10.  You need to actually pull the cold out and then see what the body is able to do. (And of course do not add poisons in) vaccinate . .  2 years ago one of my patients had her perfectly healthy fetus die in utero as he was poisoned by the whooping cough injection . . two days after). Then another in NZ – so her 3rd dead baby – and this one was being heavily monitored (as the last case was). They watched him slip away – after the W.C. jab.

NOT Needles only – need to change HOW this happened . .clean water – not chilled and get the liquid activated zeolites (CLICK) . . And add in more CLEAN/PURE/TEPID – body temperature – water . .

3 – Liquid Activated Zeolites

Need to get the heavy metals out of mum before ideally she is pregnant  .
Glutathione accelerator (CLICK) also needed.
Magnesium (CLICK) . . . roll it on . .
Also see information here – magnesium (CLICK):

4 – Krohn’s disease and nourishing baby . .

Can’t absorb nutrients . .20 x daily . . .pop it on all day – all day – and on buttocks/thighs.

5 – Ingredients . .

Pain again . . lack of ingredients . .Vitamin D3 (CLICK). .

Case of drinking ‘diet’ coke  ONLY in  pregnancy. .

What is happening that we can’t see that we can’t make babies and breast milk with fresh air.
Liquid Activated Zeolites
No more contaminants – the opioids already for pain . .
Kathryn’s mother speaks (CLICK) . .

6 – Inflammation

Indeed . . Heat (CLICK)   How did it get there?  Stuck Liver Qi (CLICK) – a great adventure in survival – being ‘nice’ to cope’. (What Lies Beneath) CLICK

What we may need to do . . . Listen to elders

Tend this young girl I was asked to help with. .
Quickly . .

7 – If fetus is made with not enough . .

Take out what is not supposed to be there.
Add in what is

I suspect all that is happening is ‘just’ the body reacting to having all the contaminants in there and not being able to actually get working as it is designed to. MTHFR (CLICK)    Maybe start here? (CLICK)    Pyroluria (CLICK) ..

  • Vitamin C – helps the liver detoxify.
  • Make the hormones with this and Vit B And need Zinc to allow the gut to work well.
  • Baby not made well – all full of contaminants . .

  • Opioids? ‘Ice’?
  • Navel cupping
  • Foundational Moves . .
  • Moxa – the real stuff . .



 Points …

All these are superfluous as the major problem is not being attended to  .
They may not have worked even 30 years ago.
(I would not have done this then either . .).
Scar . .needed to be dealt with – see my case below.

  • GB 34 – Whilst this is a major point for muscles and tendons – does she not need ingredients (more hydration and better blood quality first?).
  • TH 5 – Not at this stage of pregnancy
  • Ki 9 – my magic anti miscarriage point and take out toxins . .BUT – where is declutter first?
    Also – inner heat – and where is the water/fat/protein/salt
  • Liv 3 – is a point to open up her cervix
  • CV 17 – ??Local?? why not Stuck Liver Qi massage . .


Please sign up for my courses.

You can go towards being also  Gentling Way practitioner . .

PLUS Iodine . .

Paint it on . . The way to undo ‘damp’ and ‘phlegm’ and without bioavailable iodine – blocked by aluminum and mercury – in vaccines – and here we are – pH not normal and the TH function is not able to extract the nutrients.

What to do? Sequencing

Pain to be gone first . .
Touch after magnesium and moxa sacral fan.

Get the Heather’s Foundational Courses and get online.

HAVE to get her Yang Qi working . . .

  • Beginning – Her case and why I do what I do

What I did template (CLICK to download) – useful for you to work it all out . .as you go – different case notes taking – for your pondering.

  • 3.20 – go back to thinking – so much is written about NOT using moxa in lower belly/back in pregnancy. . .we have to . .and scars . . (my topic in 2018 Rothenberg – as invited speaker for 2 day practical – making better babies – we NEED to do these Foundational Moves)

Case from my clinic – 2018

Horrendous pain.
She said at the end that she came in hoping that I could help and she walked out (5 hours later) FIXED!!

“I’m currently 22w6d with baby #4. In June last year I lost my right kidney and right psoas muscle after my kidney turned into a pseudotumour and invaded the muscle. Surgery was complicated, took 8 hours and I nearly died several times during the procedure. My diaphragm was injured and my right lung was damaged. The abdominal muscles on my right side were dissected in a 60cm J-incision, so they don’t work well any more. So lots of things contributing, and I have major myofascial issues as a result. Can’t tolerate general massage—my Physio tried, very gently, last week and I couldn’t walk for 4 days and had contractions for 2 of those days. I’m planning a homebirth and just hoping to not be so broken when it comes time to birth.”

Why is she pregnant? Her partner can’t carry the donor sperm baby she has left after no other IVF transfers worked – so woman above is carrying -and was not in pain till she got pregnant – operation on R kidney completed a few months prior to the last embryo in place in her.

What did I do?

  • 1 – Took out Cold (at least an hour). Offered water to drink all the while. She was surprised that she COULD lie done (granted it is with about 6 pillows under her legs so she is lying in to her sacrum with a small towel to ‘jack’ it up a little so she is not lying straight down on the aorta . .).
  • 2 – Added in the moxa.
    (Took her outside to do the sacral Moxa Fan)
  • 3 – Had her back on the couch and showed her basic massage moves.
    4 – Needles – bridged the scars – R Kidney and psoas muscle gone and also then Liver 2 and Liver 14 and Yin Tang.
  • 5 – Massage moves (back/chest) as per my Foundational Moves course.

Where to go from here?

A mentoring process so you CAN be massively useful when someone has pain in pregnancy – the making of the next generation is not assured whilst we pretend all is well, even though the body is screaming out to the contrary

Ask questions as the answers are always obvious with a different perspective.
